



微住宅的“爆品是什么” ?景墅建筑的“爆品是什么” ?蔚来房屋的“爆品是什么” ???,这是我国庆思考的一个大主题,快过年了,要为2022年准备要开发的产品,市场预计情况如何?什么产品会更有机会挣钱?要想的事宜实在太多,所以我才喜欢找个地方静下!来思考我们的未来!

What is the explosive substance of micro-residence? What is the explosive substance of Jingshu architecture? Wei to the housing “Explosive is what”? ? Oh, my God? This is a major theme of our National Day of thinking, nearly the new year, to prepare for 2022 to develop products, the market is expected to do? What products have a better chance of making money! ? There’s so much to think about, that’s why I like to find a quiet place! TO THINK ABOUT OUR FUTURE!


看看这个立方体1号ーー一个156平方英尺(约14方)的住宅,内置家具,语音控制技术,还有一个镀锌钢壳,可以抵御极端高温和自然灾害。总部设在新加坡的 nestron 公司会把立方体一号运到世界任何地方,当它到达的那一天就可以搬进去了。

Meet the Cube One—a 156-square-foot dwelling with built-in furnishings, voice-controlled tech, and a galvanized steel shell that can withstand extreme heat and natural disasters. Singapore-based Nestron will ship the Cube One anywhere in the world, and it’ll be ready for move-in the day it arrives.

室内可以定制一系列的装饰,类似于一个简约的工作室公寓: 带酒吧柜台的厨房,一张床,一个衣柜,一个生活区,一个带卫生间和洗衣机的淋浴。彩色可控 led 照明、空气调节、电视和音响系统都是通过智能技术集成的。

The interior can be customized with a range of trimmings akin to a condensed studio apartment: a kitchen with a bar counter, a bed, a wardrobe, a living area, and a shower with a toilet and laundry machine. Color-controllable LED lighting, air conditioning, a television, and a sound system are all integrated through smart technology.


Next to the couch is a bed with built-in storage and a wardrobe. Aluminum alloy-framed windows grant one-way views of the outdoors.


Cube One’s galvanized steel frame doesn’t require a foundation for installation—so it perches lightly wherever it’s set.