




我觉得政府应该制定法律禁止这种年龄歧视。年纪大并不意味着工作就不行。对于那些负责招聘的人来讲,我想说,你们也有50岁的时候,到时候如果这个社会说,你太老了,我们不再需要你,你会怎么想? ”

In Singapore, 50 years old already can’t get a job?

I have been hunting the job one and half year, even though I have had much experience in the field. But the job agencies told me their clients (companies) only want to hire max age range 35 to 40 or younger. So once they told them is 50, I will not given an opportunity although I meet the job requirements. I do not think that companies have the right to use age ad an excuse to refuse employment. There are people who are over 50 and have excellent health, look youner than their age and can perform as well as a 30 years old.

I think there should be laws to stop this age discrimination. An older person does no make her/him an inefficient worker. For those in charge to hire staffs, eventually when you reach 50 years old and the society tells you that you are not wanted, how would you feel?



Justin Judith:是这样的。我20多岁的时候,经常纳闷:为什么我们这行没有50多岁的人呢?我以前还以为他们都退休了,现在才知道,他们失业了!现在的人结婚都晚,如果35岁结婚,孩子上小学的时候,他们就失业了….这太可怕了! !

Ke Yi Yong:歧视无处不在。有些工作就是有年龄的限制,没必要质疑,就接受吧,毕竟,你不可能永远年轻、有活力。

Rick Zi:对于政府来说,这个老人不算失业,而是退休,因为他已经6个月没有做工。所以,那帮蠢货还以为我们的失业率很低。

JackJack Attack:从政吧,这样到90岁你也可以当议员,就算你什么也不做。