博偉之星 | 恭喜GCE“A”水准学生冬梓霖被伦敦大学国王学院和英国爱丁堡大学双录取



两所大学在2018 QS世界大学并列排名第23,










被伦敦大学国王学院(King’s College London,University of London )和爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)双录取



My name is Dong Zilin. I took up the GCE A-Level programme at DIMENSIONS International College from 2016 to 2017. I had chosen Chemistry, Physics and Maths as my 3 H2 subjects. Throughout my one year journey at DIMENSIONS, I gained a lot of insight from my teachers and peers who were mostly helpful and sincere. They were patient whenever I came across academic hurdles and asked for their help. Thereafter, I understood the gist of my problems and attained extra knowledge.


Initially, I found those 3 H2 subjects pretty challenging. However, if one concentrates on his/her studies and keeps pace with the teachers, these stumbling blocks may be easy to overcome. I was in the science stream hence I did not undertake any accounting subjects. Instead, I can provide advice on the science subjects based on my own experience and understanding. Among these three H2 subjects, I found chemistry most challenging. However, after I realised my deficiency in this subject and how much effort it would take to achieve an ‘A’, I started putting in effort to memorise the fundamental concepts and formulas. After I remembered them by heart, I started learning how to apply the newly acquired knowledge. For instance, after comprehending all mechanisms of organic reactions, I tried to create my own sample chemical reactions by using different reactants based on the knowledge I learned. In this manner, one will genuinely understand H2 chemistry.


The studying process for physics and mathematics works in a similar way. However, physics requires more emphasis on various applications based on one or several concepts as physics questions are much more challenging and difficult to anticipate. Hence, one may not merely memorise formulas without comprehending the core concepts of this subject. Conversely, mathematics concentrates on the depth of one’s understanding and it involves logical thinking and problem-solving skills.


DIMENSIONS also offers students opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, such as basketball competition, Christmas celebration as well as performances. These activities brought colours in my life and such great motivation and excitement allow students to persist and focus on their academic courses.


I achieved a lot during my educational journey and I would cherish the fond memories of those days at DIMENSIONS. Finally, I wish all candidates who are sitting for A-Level examinations good luck and hope your hard work pays off! 





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  2. 恭喜杨隽怡在2017年GCE“A”水准考试中取得优异成绩

  3. 恭喜GCE“A”水准学生冬梓霖考获3门主科(H2)全A成绩

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  5. 恭喜“A”水准学生杨隽怡在全球化学竞赛中取得新加坡排名第一的好成绩

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  8. 恭喜GCE“A”水准学生冬梓霖考获3门主科(H2)全A成绩
