1. 凉凉:
I’m done for.
2. 方/慌:
I’m so scared.
3. 我去买个橘子:
I’m your father.
4. 嘤嘤嘤:
a sound pretending to be cute and girlish
5. 陈独秀:
stop showing off. Sit down.
6. 佛系:
Be ok with anything.
7. 海豹:
A person who is very lucky in games and always shows off.
8. 小奶狗:
A gentle, handsome boy who’s in a relationship with you but younger than you.
9. 了解一下:
To recommend something to your friends.
10. 你算哪块儿小饼干:
A cute way to insult someone.
11. 社会:
Someone did something that makes him look like a gangster.
12. 贫穷限制了我的想象力:
Poverty limits my imagination.
13. 你的良心不会痛吗?
Could you just be compassionate?
14. 尬聊:
What an embarrassing conversation!
15. 戏精:
an overly dramatic person
16. 心里没点儿X 数吗?
how could you be so confused?
17. 笔芯:
love you.
18. 你咋不上天呢?
How could you be so conceited?
19. 搞事情:
rock the boat
20. 也是醉了:
I am speechless.
21. 给跪了:
give me a break.
22. 有钱就是任性:
rich bitch.
23. 也是蛮拼的:
give it one’s best shot.
24. 画面太美我不忍直视:
I cannot afford take a look at it.
25. 我只想安静地做个美男子:
I just want to be a lady-killer quietly。
26. 心塞:
feel quite uncomfortable
27. 高冷:
an icy beauty
28. 脑残:
29. 脑洞大开:
greatly widen one’s horizon
30. 节操:
moral principle