今增11 | 何晶宣布10月退休,更提醒接种新冠疫苗后仍有可能传播病毒




而目前公司的国际首席执行长狄澜(Dilhan Pillay)将接任有关职务。





When we have mass exercises like vaccination, it is easy to make various mistakes.

We are all human after all.

Hence, it is important to have protocols in place which help to reduce the inevitable human errors.

One process by the Raffles Medical Group is very good.

One person is in charge of dilution and pre-loading the syringes.

Get a fresh vial from a cooler bag on a separate table.

Add right amount of saline to dilute the thawed vial of 5 doses.

Rotate vial 10 times to ensure proper and even mixing of vaccine concentrate and saline.

Draw the right amount into a vaccination syringe.

Insert the fine vaccination needle, and prep the syringe to be ready for injection.

Place syringe in kidney-shaped tray.

Repeat another 4 times.

Total of 5 prepared pre-loaded syringes in one kidney tray – this tray is then placed in another cooler bag on the syringe pre-loading table.


From dilution, mixing to pre-loading at one station.

At the vaccination stations, after welcoming the vaccinee, double checking the identity, and putting them at ease, the healthcare worker aka HCW takes one syringe from the tray, double checks the pre-loaded volume, and proceeds with the vaccination.

When the vaccinating HCWs finish each tray of 5 syringes, they go to the pre-loading table to collect another tray of 5 freshly filled syringes.

This way, the pre-loading process is distinct and separate from the vaccination process.

This will reduce the load on the vaccinating HCW to focus on vaccinee engagement and ensure vaccination with a properly prepped syringe.

The dilution and syringe pre-loading is at a separate station – this helps work up consistency for dilution, mixing and pre-loading.

If the vaccination volume goes up, we can further split the dilution and mixing from the preloading if needed.

Sure, there can be other minor improvements, based on ground experience and ops requirements.

With the Moderna vaccine now approved, we expect shipments of Moderna vaccines to start arriving in Singapore around March/April. 

Our pre-orders for Moderna vaccines are expected to come from Europe.

Meanwhile, we are watching the Pfizer plant upgrading in Belgium where our BionTech-Pfizer vaccines are coming from.

Pfizer is upgrading their Belgium plant to expand their production capacity.

As a result, deliveries slowed to Singapore and elsewhere.

Once upgrading is completed on schedule, they would need to complete more checks and processes, like testing and recommissioning as these facilities are all compliant with various medical production standards.

Once production can restart, we should expect deliveries to get back on track, including catch up deliveries.

The next BionTech-Pfizer shipment is expected after CNY.

Thereafter, as and when deliveries step up, we can then step up our vaccination pace and outreach.

As the schedule stands, we can expect that we will soon open up invitations to the folks in their 60s and their 50s, and move progressively down the younger and younger age groups.

This is on the basis of age based risk of Covid complications. This is bcos the older folks are at much greater risk of serious complications when they are hit by Covid, compared to younger folks.

Meanwhile, we continue to open up on a parallel track based on risk of exposure.

For this, we start with the highest risk of exposure like HCWs in hospitals, ambulance staff, SHN hotel staff, or researchers working on Covid, etc.

And then we move progressively to others with clear but lower risks of exposure.

A third track are our essential services workers, who would include our SAF, SCDF, etc.

A fourth track would include our dorm residents, who could be at great risk of forming a large uncontrolled cluster.

Meanwhile, do remember that being vaccinated means greater protection against serious Covid illnesses.

However, being vaccinated does not mean we cannot be silent carriers.

There are signs that the vaccines may prevent us from being silent carriers, but the data is not out yet.

So it is better to continue to stay mask, wash hands, maintain safe distance, even after we have completed our 2-shot vaccinations, so that we reduce our risk of becoming silent carriers to infect others.

Please note that it takes at least 2 weeks after each shot for our immune system to produce our defensive arsenal of various antibodies and infection killer cells.

So even after our 1st shot, we remain at risk of being infected by Covid and suffering serious illness, esp during the immediate 2 weeks.

After 2 weeks, only half of us will mount a reasonable arsenal of immune weapons.

Only after 1-2 weeks after the 2nd shot, will we see 95% of us with good to excellent arsenal, while 5% may still not have the required level of protection.

So don’t go partying recklessly after our 1st shot, or even after our 2nd shot.

Keep well, stay safe.


辉瑞目前也正在升级厂房(Pfizer Plant),以提升疫苗的生产率。


之前开放注射疫苗的群体为前线工作者,如医护人员、巴士车长、70岁以上的年长者等。而当第二批疫苗抵达后,将预计会开放给更多高风险群和50至60岁的国人,然后在渐渐排到更年轻的群众。 同时,莫德纳疫苗将会在3月运达,相信这也会加快整个疫苗注射的脚步。

(点击以上,阅读原文) 何晶最后提醒公众,接种疫苗虽然有了更好的保障,但还是有可能传播病毒,所以大家要继续勤洗手、戴口罩、确保人与人之间保持安全社交距离。
昨增22起确诊病例含2起本土病例 2月8日,新加坡卫生部通报新增22起确诊病例,20起为境外输入病例,2起为本土病例,累计5万9721起。 在22起确诊病例当中,4人出现症状,18人无症状感染。

昨天通报本土病例新增2起,为本地社区病例;客工宿舍病例无新增。 昨天境外输入病例20起从阿联酋入境者比例近日增高
昨天新增的20起境外输入病例,在指定地点执行14天“SHN居家通知”时,检测结果呈阳性而确诊。情况统计如下: 按旅行史统计:印度6人,阿联酋、印尼各4人,马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、尼泊尔、马拉维各1人,有加拿大和阿联酋叠加旅行史1人。

前来务工、任职者占一半 按身份统计: WP客工7人,其中5人为外籍女佣,分别从印度、印尼、马来西亚、缅甸入境。 持工作证件3人,分别从印度、尼泊尔、菲律宾入境。 上述前来务工、任职人员小计占当天之半数。 新加坡公民4人、永久居民3人,分别从加拿大、印度、阿联酋入境。 持DP家属证2人,分别从印度、阿联酋入境。 持STVP短期探访证1人,从中非的马拉维入境,前来探亲。  过去七天163起确诊其中45%为既往感染
过去七天,一共156人确诊,其中84起(54%)为既往感染,32起(20%)为新近感染,其他40起(26%)结果未出。  昨天51人病愈仍有1人在ICU重症病房 2月8日,新加坡卫生部通报:51人病愈出院,累计病愈5万9484人;现有病患为241人,比前天减29人。 现有病患包括:中症病房有43人,比前天增8人;201人在社区护理设施或社区康复设施,比前天减37人。 ICU重症加护病房有1人,与2月5日进入ICU,已有四天。 新加坡死亡病例累计29起,上一次通报死亡病例是11月28日。  马来西亚新增3100起连续4天日增低于4000起

2月8日,马来西亚新增3100起确诊病例,累计24万5552起。这是大马连续四天日增病例低于4000起。 昨天新增的3100起新增病例当中,1起为境外输入病例,3099起为本土病例。 在3099起本土病例中,1619人(52%)是马来西亚公民,1480人(48%)是外籍人员。 雪兰莪昨天新增1196起确诊病例,是当天新增病例最多的州属,占当天总数之39%;最靠近新加坡的柔佛新增490起,占当天确诊人数的16%;近日柔佛病例数据如下:
活跃病例5万1977起连续几天创历史新高 马来西亚昨天新增13个感染群,分布在雪兰莪、柔佛、吉隆坡、沙巴、砂拉越、森美兰、登嘉楼,涉及医药中心、工厂、公司、建筑工地、购物中心、公共行政中心;目前共有451个活跃感染群,其中79个昨天有新增病例。 昨天有2340名病患痊愈出院,累计19万2679起,占总病例78.4%。 活跃病例有5万1977起,连续几天创历史新高。活跃病例高企的一个问题是可能对医疗和隔离资源造成挤兑,前者会加剧死亡率,后者会加剧传播率。 仍有282人在ICU重症加护病房接受治疗,其中134人需要依靠呼吸辅助器。  新增24起死亡病例为新增死亡病例单日新高 马来西亚昨天通报新增24起死亡病例,为疫情发生以来大马单日新增死亡病例历史新高。 其中,21人为马来西亚公民,3人为外籍人员,年龄介于44岁至98岁之间;死亡病例累计896起,病死率为0.4%。

2月8日,泰国新增186起确诊病例,是自1月25日以来的历史新低,累计2万3557起。 在昨天通报的186起新增病例当中,176起为本土病例,10起为境外输入病例,源自英国、阿联酋、印度、马来西亚、瑞典、土耳其。  在176起本土病例当中,35起是由积极检测而筛查出来的病例,141起是到医院或诊所求医而发现的病例;132起(75%)出现在本波疫情核心的龙仔厝府,其他出现在曼谷和周边地区。 泰国昨天无新增死亡病例,累计维持在79起。  印尼昨增8242起确诊病例为1月5日以来新低 
2月8日,印尼新增8242起确诊病例,累计116万6079起,破116万起。 同日,通报207起新增死亡病例,累计3万1763起。 印尼近几天日增死亡人数有所降低,从高峰的三四百人降至一两百人。 印尼疫情仍持续中,但近一周似乎达到峰值,不再恶化。 印尼新冠确诊病例和死亡病例人数皆为东南亚最高。  菲律宾昨增1690起确诊 2月8日,菲律宾新增1690起确诊病例,累计53万8995起。 菲律宾当天通报52起新增死亡病例,累计1万1231起。 从图表上看,菲律宾疫情正处于高峰之后的缓降。

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