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After Action Review

An After-Action Review lays out a structured de-briefing process for analyzing an event. Participants discuss what happened, why it happened, and what can be done better in the future. After-Action Reviews were originally popularized by the military as a technique used to quickly learn from encounters and adapt to emerging situations. After-Action Reviews are now common in both the public and private sector as a way for teams to learn from the results of recently completed projects and initiatives.



The agenda is the version of the meeting plan shared with meeting attendees. A meeting agenda may include a list of topics to discuss, a sequence of planned activities, or both. The simplest agendas are formatted as a short bulleted list. More complicated agendas may include detailed topic descriptions, including the expected outcomes for each item and reference material, such as reports and proposals for review prior to the meeting. Formal agendas will also include timing and presenter information for each agenda item.

Meeting designers and facilitators often create a more detailed meeting plan (or facilitator’s guide) that includes process notes, activity descriptions, and timing prompts in addition to the meeting agenda.




Agile is a time boxed, iterative approach to work designed to deliver results incrementally from the start of the project, instead of trying to deliver everything all at once at the end. The agile methodology relies on a series of related meetings—called “ceremonies”—to keep the work coordinated and encourage continuous improvement.

敏捷是一种时间盒装,迭代的工作方式,旨在从项目开始逐步提供结果,而不是试图在最后一次性提供所有内容。敏捷方法依赖于一系列相关会议 – 称为“仪式” – 以保持工作协调并鼓励持续改进。
