【社会公益】让居民美美地帅帅的, 是新加坡善济医社的使命与责任

新加坡福智霖 来自新加坡福智霖投资资讯 00:00 01:10

让居民美美地帅帅的, 是善济医社的使命与责任。2019年8月23日(星期五)善济医社—甘巴士分社免费理发服务,共服务了25位老人家。善济相信,一个良好的银发族形象,定会受到同辈与晚辈们的欢迎。因此,从2017年3月6日开始,善济医社开始在分社为有需要理发的看诊人士提供免费的理发服务。您的微笑,开心,幸福,健康,光明,就是善济医社的信念,责任,坚持与使命。

Giving residents a beautiful and handsome appearance. This is the mission and responsibility of Sian Chay Medical Institution . 23rd August 2019 Sian Chay Free haircut at Gambas Branch .Totally services 25 seniors. Sian Chay believes that good grooming for the sliver generation will be most welcomed by their peers and younger generation. Since 6th March 2017, Sian Chay has started free haircut service for the needy patients at our branches. Your smile, happiness, joy, health, and brightness are the beliefs, responsibilities, persistence and mission of Sian Chay Medical Institution.

新加坡福智霖: 感恩善济医社,百年来,救苦救难,不遗余力。




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