
学习顾问团队(从左至右):Dr Nimrod L. Delante; Ms Hwee Leng Toh-Heng; Dr Stanley Loo; Ms Esther Fink


Following the recent rebranding of Learning Support as Learning Centre in September 2019, a physical Learning Centre – located on the ground floor of the library, in the Singapore campus of James Cook University – became functional in mid-January 2020. This shift is part of the University’s efforts to improve teaching practices and encourages tudents to proactively seek guidance and support for enhancing their learning in their path to success and achievement.

学习中心本科课程学习顾问Dr Nimrod L. Delante讲道:“我们相信,大学设立学习中心这一举措将提高我们的定位,增强我们的存在,扩大我们的声音。我们也将利用位于大学正中心的有利位置,为同学们提供更加高效的学习活动和项目。”

Dr Nimrod L. Delante, Learning Advisor for Degree Programs at the Learning Centre, said, “We believe that having a physical Learning Centre in the University will help strengthen our position, enhance our presence, and amplify our voice as we do our best in delivering our activities and programs more efficiently and cohesively in a centralised location.”


He added, “We also believe that having aphysical Learning Centre will strengthen the status of James Cook University in Singapore where excellence in learning and teaching is top priority.”

作为交流互动空间,学习中心采用开放空间的设计理念,设有六个学习顾问工作区和两间交互式房间:其中一间供学习顾问接待前来咨询的同学,另一间则用于为大学语言学院 (前身为英文语言预备课程) 的同学提供课外英文补习。

As a physical and interactive space, the Learning Centre comprises the six working stations of the learning advisors, designed in an open space concept. It also includes two interactive rooms – one small room where the learning advisors roster themselves for scheduled or walk-in consultations, and another discussion room for the Learning Advisor for Pathway Programs to conduct enrichment and remedial English language sessions with students of the JCU Singapore Language School, formerly known as English Language Preparatory Program or ELPP.

每周一至周五下午3点,两间交互式房间合二为一,共能容纳14-15名同学。届时,同学们可以参加学习顾问团队举办的研讨会 (请点击文末”阅读原文“浏览本学期研讨会安排) 并与其交流,也可以向EMAS 社团的学长姐寻求学科 (英语、数学、会计和金融、信息技术) 学习上的帮助。

At 3pm on Mondays through Fridays, these two interactive rooms merge into one room that can accommodate about 14-15 students interested in listening to and interacting with learning advisors through workshops, or seeking assistance from the EMAS (English, Mathematics, Accounting and Finance, and IT) peer tutors.

学习中心为学习顾问团队提供了固定场所,让他们更容易被同学们所知晓。Dr Delante谈道:“更重要的是,学习中心集中体现了学习顾问在帮助同学们完成学业并取得成功的道路上所扮演的重要角色。”

The current Learning Centre provides the team of learning advisors with a permanent presence and gives them more visibility in the University. “More importantly, the Learning Centre serves as an embodiment of the important position that the learning advisors hold – in helping students accomplish learning and achieve success,” said Dr Delante.


As learning processes grow and evolve, James Cook University in Singapore will adapt to remain relevant. That is why the Learning Centre maintains an open dialogue within the team to reflect deeply into the team’s teaching practices, and to ensure that these practices provide an urturing teaching and learning culture so that students can achieve their full potential.



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